Could Your Ankle Pain Be Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?

The tarsal tunnel is located between your ankle bone and lower leg. It's a small channel that houses the tendons and nerves required for flexing your foot, but it can be damaged if it's put under too much stress. When damage occurs, you're foot will be less flexible and you'll experience ankle pain, but why does tarsal tunnel syndrome occur and what can be done about it? Here's an overview of the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options:

Two Foot Injuries A Ballerina Can Avoid With One Well Fitting Shoe

Ballerinas rely on their feet as much as concert pianists rely on their hands. Your child's feet are key to their success as a dancer, so it is important the feet are cared for and supported well as they advance their dancing skills. When your child starts to experience a repetition in foot injury, the first place you must look is their shoes. There are two common injuries which can be avoided simply by being careful when buying new ballet slippers and pointe shoes.