7 Signs You Might Have Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot is a very common name for a skin infection caused by fungus. It appears between the toes and on the soles of the feet. Serious cases may involve cracking, peeling or bleeding skin.

Athlete's foot can be contagious and spread fairly easily from one person to another (via spores in wet conditions) or one area to another (by sharing shoes). If you are experiencing any of these symptoms make sure you stop touching your feet and avoid moist areas with communal footwear until you have been treated.

1. Itching and burning

The most common symptom is itching or burning between your toes. A thick ring of red skin may develop around each toe that may last for several days and sting or burn if touched. 

2. Red, cracked, and peeling skin

Athlete's foot can cause cracking and peeling in the surface layer of skin. Fungal spores can cause the skin to turn red, dry out, peel off in sheets and develop a rash.

3. Bumps on the bottoms of feet

Bumps may appear above the ankle line where your socks rub against your shoes. These bumps are often very itchy between the toes as well as on the tops of feet (just under the ankle).

4. Yellow crusty skin 

Fungus can cause yellow crusty skin that sheds either all at once or over several weeks. This can appear on the underside of the feet and between toes.

5. Sores 

Sores may appear in clusters within grooves on the soles of the feet surrounded by red, dry skin. These sores may be deep with a stinging sensation and break open to leave a yellowish crust around each sore. They are often painful to step on because they stick to your shoes and rub against them as you walk or run.

6. Painful blisters 

Blisters may appear in your foot grooves where you rub against your shoe. They're sometimes filled with a watery fluid that can be clear or yellow depending on how long the blister has been there. If the fluid turns green or if the blister is painful, see a doctor immediately.

7. Foot pain

Athlete's foot can cause pain when you walk or run and your feet may feel tingly, hot or stiff.  If you experience this foot pain between the toes and on top of your foot, contact a doctor. They will check to make sure there aren't other infections or sources of pain.

If you have athlete's foot for more than two weeks without treatment, it may be best to see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment because infections or other skin problems can cause similar symptoms.
