3 Tips to Managing Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Diabetics are more prone to foot ulcers. If the ulcers are left untreated, they can progressively worsen to the point where amputation may be the only option left. Fortunately, amputations are not inevitable. In fact, 85% of di+-

abetes-related amputations are actually preventable. If you have diabetes and are constantly struggling with diabetic foot ulcers, you should visit a podiatrist regularly and also keep these 3 tips in mind.

Use Appropriate Dressing Options

Don't give foot ulcers the opportunity to become infected by keeping them fully covered with appropriate types of bandaging. Exposing the foot ulcers to open air increases their likelihood of coming into contact with bacteria and germs. Dressings made from alginates and hydrogel-colloidal sheets optimize wound healing and regulate moisture levels. As a result, they are highly recommended for bandaging the ulcers. Make sure you clean the ulcers before you bandage them.

Schedule Regular Bi-Annual Appointments

Since your feet are more at risk for ulcers and other complications that can result in amputation, it's crucial that you get a professional to inspect your feet at least two times a year. Schedule appointments ahead of time, so that you don't forget. These appointments with a podiatrist can not only help you catch minor conditions before they become severe, but can also give you some idea as to whether you are treating the ulcers properly.

If you constantly deal with diabetic foot ulcers, your podiatrist will likely want to keep a record of where the ulcers emerge, the severity of the ulcers and the length of the recovery time required to treat the ulcers. You should also keep a detailed record yourself to show your podiatrist during these appointments.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

When dealing with diabetic foot ulcers, now is not the time to be stylish. Avoid wearing high heels, sandals and other types of footwear that place undue pressure on your feet and ankles, as they will only cause the ulcers to worsen. Instead, make sure you always have comfortable and perfectly fitted footwear.


With the possibility of having to face limb amputation, it's critical that you take diabetic foot ulcers seriously and see a podiatrist regularly in order to manage them. If you don't, they can potentially worsen and cause irreversible and significant harm and damage to your feet. With proper care and treatment, the ulcers will heal rather quickly and will not become a long-term problem.
